
William Goxo and Tielman Slabbert share their personal testimonies of growing up under apartheid in South Africa and the struggles of racism and division that followed. Through the transforming power of the Christian gospel, they experienced liberation, reconciliation, and unity. Their stories reveal how, despite deep-rooted prejudice and bitterness, God’s intervention through His Holy Spirit brought about genuine transformation, leading to overcoming evil with good, lasting friendship, and a renewed sense of purpose in life.

Time Chapters
  • 00:22 Apartheid Impact
  • 01:22 Early Christian Experiences
  • 02:28 Desire for Biblical Life
  • 03:02 Meeting & Fellowship
  • 04:01 Facing Racial Prejudice
  • 05:00 Conversion and Liberation
  • 06:00 Overcoming Inner Battles
  • 07:37 Reflection & Unity
  • 08:01 Eternal Friendship

—————– Original Video —————–

William Goxo and Tielman Slabbert grew up in a South Africa torn and divided by the Apartheid system. Ignorance, fear and hatred fuelled this unfair and terrible regime, and even as it was brought to an end, there was plenty of room for distrust, bitterness and enmity in its wake.

Hear William and Tielman tell some of their experiences, and how the Christian gospel brings true liberation and reconciliation, leading to love and eternal friendship. By tackling the root of all problems: the sin that dwells in each one of us, no matter what race, background or outward circumstances, it helps us to overcome prejudice, suspicion, hard feelings and hatred. With God’s help we can learn to live the life that we read about in the Bible, and experience true unity.

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Brunstad Christian Church
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag, 2012