
At nineteen, I was deep in drugs and crime, feeling lost and out of place. Growing up with a troubled family life, I was drawn into a gang and the thrill of illegal activities. Despite a long-standing longing for God and echoes of my Christian heritage, I struggled in a destructive environment. One day, while hiding at the Abel-monument in Palace Park, I received grace. I made a firm decision to stand by my newfound faith—even when tested by old friends. Soon after, God sent His Holy Spirit, and I experienced an overwhelming joy and inner transformation. Since then, I’ve reconnected with my family, joined Brunstad Christian Church, and continue to battle my old nature while living each day with gratitude for the new life God has given me.

Time Chapters
  • 00:47 Early Life & Gang Struggles
  • 02:22 Drug Escalation & Crisis
  • 04:03 Conversion & Receiving Grace
  • 05:18 New Life & Church Reunion
  • 07:37 Renewed Life & Gratitude

—————– Original Video —————–

At the age of nineteen, he was heavily involved in drugs and crime. Then Raymond Tøgard gave his life to God. That was the start of a transformed life.

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Brunstad Christian Church
© Copyright Stiftelsen Skjulte Skatters Forlag, 2010