10:41 RAPTURE DREAM They Don’t Want You To SEE THIS ! THE DECEPTION is Coming #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
11:00 I had an intense rapture vision and I was shown the destruction and chaos! #jesus #dreamsandvisions Cloud 9 Blessings
13:46 Visions: Earthquakes, People Transforming into Balls of Light, the Rapture, Demons, and Judgement Uplifted
10:57 I COULD NOT BELIEVE WHAT I WAS SHOWN ! This is So Vivid And Intense #heaven #jesus #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 I Saw Things In Heaven That Will Shock You! Powerful #god #jesus #rapture #jesusiscomingback Cloud 9 Blessings
08:31 God Showed Them The Rapture And What They Saw is SHOCKING ! #jesus #rapture #jesusiscoming Cloud 9 Blessings
11:03 God Showed Him Something SHOCKING ! He Shares The Intensity Of His Dreams #jesus #propheticword Cloud 9 Blessings
18:14 This is a WAKEUP CALL From The Lord ! It Went From A Sunny Day To PITCH DARKNESS Cloud 9 Blessings
00:58 THIS IS SHOCKING! She Saw Jesus In Israel And Fire Coming Down #God #jesus #jesusiscomingback Cloud 9 Blessings
17:46 The WARNINGS HAVE INCREASED ! She Shares Intense Experiences With The Channel Cloud 9 Blessings
15:44 Rapture Dream : I Gave An ALERT But I Was Immediately IGNORED #jesuschrist #rapture #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings