23:08 God Let Me Know That Many Are Going To FALL INTO THIS! #rapture #jesus #jesuschrist Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 He Shares A Prophetic Vision Of Destruction ! It Was Vivid #god #jesus #jesusiscomingback #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
07:00 Rapture Dream: Giant Mushroom Cloud Nuclear Explosion / People Transform into Beams of Light. Uplifted
01:00 Rapture Dreams I was shown the final countdown! #rapture #jesusiscoming #prophecy #dreamsandvisions Cloud 9 Blessings
10:41 RAPTURE DREAM They Don’t Want You To SEE THIS ! THE DECEPTION is Coming #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
12:08 Rapture Dreams I saw UFOS Coming down to Earth ! When We Go Up They Come Down #jesus #rapturedreams Cloud 9 Blessings
09:11 Rapture Dream Time is running out and Jesus is coming! #rapturedreams #dreamsandvisions #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
24:34 Rapture Dreams: God Told Us That This Would BE COMING ! A Great War??? #rapture #jesus #jesuschrist Cloud 9 Blessings
00:57 MAN SHARES BEAUTIFUL VISION OF GLORIFIED BODIES! AMAZING EXPERIENCE! #rapture #heaven #endofdays Cloud 9 Blessings