God raised their child from the dead after drowning | A present day resurrection testimony
This testimony recounts the incredible story of how a young couple experienced the resurrection of their child after he drowned. In the midst of a family vacation in Phoenix, Arizona, their beloved son, Drew, was found lifeless at the bottom of a pool. Amid overwhelming despair, Jeff and Savanna witnessed a miraculous turnaround as, after desperate prayers and a profound spiritual encounter, their son was revived. Their heartfelt narrative emphasizes that God’s power is active today—affirming that Jesus is the resurrection and the life, and that miracles and divine intervention continue to provide hope and deliverance for those in despair.
Time Chapters
- 01:48 Discovery & retrieval
- 07:03 Revival moment
- 11:00 Joy & testimony
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God raised their child from the dead after drowning | A present day resurrection testimony
“why aren’t we seeing miracles and healings?” was the frustrated cry of Jeff’s heart he was expressing to his wife only shortly before experiencing first hand the resurrection power of Jesus Christ as God raised their own son from death to life.
No sooner had the family arrived at their vacation destination, just getting ready to spend some time at the property’s pool, that they realized their first born son, drew, had disappeared from sight.
To their horror, they discovered Drew at the bottom of the pool, and scrambled to retrieve the lifeless body of their son.
Their son had no pulse, and he was not breathing, he was already blue from hypoxia, and there was no question that their boy had drowned.
Jeff and Savanna relay to us how God manifested His power in that otherwise hopeless situation, and raised their child from the dead after drowning. In this present day resurrection testimony it becomes crystal clear that God is still raising the dead, that Jesus is still the resurrection and the life, and that God is still doing healing and miracles amongst His people right here and right now.
Hebrews 00:11:35 declares that by faith, women received back their dead by resurrection.
God’s Word has not changed, and though many confounding losses happen in the world daily, this couple experienced first hand the resurrection power of Jesus Christ as God raised their son from the dead.
We have curated this testimony because we know people everywhere are always asking: does God still raise the dead, does God still perform miracles, does Jesus still heal… and the TESTIMONY The Lord has given this family and many others in the world TODAY is the answer to that question. God IS still raising people from the dead, and though we must all face death at one point or another, the mercy of God in these glorious resurrection testimonies and stories of God’s miraculous power still at work today all bear witness that His Word is true, His Spirit is still moving, that Jesus IS the resurrection and the life, and everything He spoke will surely come to pass. Jesus is still raising the dead, and as He promised, He will raise everyone in the last day, some to eternal life, and some to eternal condemnation.
This is why sharing this resurrection story is so important, because these present day miracles are SIGN POSTS pointing to the ultimate miracle and the truth that Jesus Christ is The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and that salvation from sin and death is found in HIM.
God raised their son from the dead after drowning, and this is a reminder to us all that God is the final authority over death and life, and He wants us to be saved from sin and death.
The bible declares that it is not God’s will for any to perish, but that all would come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, and be heirs of salvation through faith in the Son of God, who died for our sins, and was raised from death for our justification, and is now seated at the right hand of God making intercession for us.
It is reasonable to conclude that God’s Word, the testimony of Jesus Christ being raised from the dead, and this present day testimony of a resurrection, as well as all the other stories of God’s miraculous power still working today, is proof of eternal life.
Don’t harden your heart against God, but hope in Jesus Christ, He came into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
This is a true story of a person being raised from the dead, from a young couple who have nothing to gain from sharing this vulnerable story except that they hope you will be encouraged their testimony of God raising their son from the dead after drowning, and believe not just their story of God’s miraculous power at work in their lives, but the bible’s account of the same resurrection power working in Jesus Christ, and find the comfort of God through His Son, His Word, and His Holy Spirit coming through FAITH, HOPE, and LOVE.
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