Top Cardiologist Warns About the Imminent Rapture of the Church | Dr. Sam Kojoglanian
My name is Dr. Sam Kojoglanian, and from a young age on the Mount of Olives, I felt God calling me to become a heart doctor—both physically and spiritually. I faced rejection when I first moved to America and was rejected 27 times from medical school, but surrendered everything to Jesus. Only then did doors miraculously open. Now, I passionately warn others about the imminent Rapture and the importance of making Christ Lord over our lives. Being a Christian is not about our good works; it’s about accepting the gift of salvation through Jesus alone. As a cardiologist, I’ve witnessed medical miracles and also learned that true healing comes when we trust in Christ. My hope is for everyone to accept Jesus before it’s too late.
Dr. Sam Kojoglanian Pages: Website | Website2 | Facebook
Time Chapters
- 00:03 Growing Up Near Mount of Olives
- 00:09 Facing Rejection in America
- 00:16 Overcoming 27 Failures in Med School
- 00:23 Surrendering Fully to Christ
- 00:29 Healing Testimony in Africa
- 00:35 Discussing Rapture & Tribulation
- 00:40 Explaining 666 and the Mark
- 00:44 Good vs. Godly People
- 00:48 Urgent Call to Salvation
- 00:52 Prayer for Viewers
- 00:55 Closing and Contact Info
—————– Original Video ————————
Dr. Sam Kojoglanian, one of America’s top cardiologists, warns about the imminent rapture of the church. He also explains the difference between the Rapture and the Second Coming. Raised in the Holy Land and born-again since a little boy, he’s learned to include God in everything, especially in his work! Dr. Kojoglanian’s passion and zeal for God and people pour out in this amazing interview on Deep Believer. You’ll want to watch this!
To learn more about Dr. Sam Kojoglanian or to purchase one of his books, visit:
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