Dominion and Authority over Cancer! KCM Partner Testimony
My name is Cynthia Shepard. After returning from the first Desert Storm, I began experiencing severe health issues and was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. Refusing to accept my fate, I immersed myself in God’s Word through Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ broadcasts and free downloads for Partners. Through radical treatment and unwavering faith, I witnessed a miraculous transformation—my cancer shrank and I achieved complete healing. Today, I am four years cancer-free, and I testify that Jesus Christ has given me dominion and authority over cancer.
Time Chapters
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Upon returning from the first Desert Storm, veteran Cynthia Shephard began to experience health difficulties. One day, she turned on her television to find Kenneth Copeland speaking and teaching on the Word of God. For the first time, she was able to grab hold of what was being said, and the scales from her eyes were removed. She felt truly free!
Cynthia began devoting her mornings to God’s Word delivered through Kenneth Copeland’s broadcast and free downloads for Partners.
One morning, after her usual 10-mile run, she collapsed onto her bed and could barely get back up. Cynthia felt as though she was going to pass out, and she knew something wasn’t right. She asked a friend to take her to the hospital, where they ran multiple tests. After ruling out potential causes, the doctor did one last test, which came back positive for cancer.
Cynthia was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer, but she refused to receive it. A couple of weeks later, the local VA faxed Cynthia’s case to another VA where the chief oncologist and chief radiation oncologist happened to be touring. They saw her case come in and reached out to Cynthia, informing her that they wanted to take it on. She knew it was more than happenstance that these doctors came across her case—it was God!
Cynthia was eager to start treatment immediately. She was placed on a radical treatment plan. As she sat weak in the chair during chemo treatments, she would listen to messages from Kenneth Copeland. As she continued this for the next couple of months, there came a positive change in her that was evident to everyone. She had become upbeat and cheerful!
By December 2015, Cynthia walked out of her chemo treatments with the stage 4 lung cancer having been entirely shrunk. By May 2016, she received a report of complete and total healing. There’s no longer any evidence of disease in her body. Glory to God!
Today, Cynthia is four years cancer-free! She thanks Kenneth Copeland for allowing the Lord to speak through him and helping her understand that she has dominion and authority over cancer. Through Kenneth Copeland’s messages, she learned to speak with authority against the cancer trying to invade her body. She learned that Jesus didn’t survive the cross—He defeated the enemy!
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