
I am Rev. Chris Green, and I have spent years preaching full-time and traveling to share God’s message. I was once intimidated by the idea of laying hands on someone to impart the Holy Ghost, fearing I might not be enough. Then one day, a young college student from a Melbourne university came to the altar after my sermon, earnestly seeking the Holy Ghost. Despite my hesitation, I approached him, asked if he wanted the Holy Ghost, and laid my hand on his head in Jesus’ name. In that moment, the Holy Spirit filled him, and he began speaking in tongues. This profound experience reminded me that I am nothing more than a vessel for God’s Spirit. It transformed my ministry and renewed my faith, affirming that the power of the Holy Ghost is a divine gift from God, not something we control.

Time Chapters
  • 08:00 Intimidation about Holy Ghost
  • 20:00 Encounter with College Student
  • 32:00 Impartation & Miraculous Event
  • 40:00 Aftermath & Church Impact

—————– Original Video —————–

A testimony from Rev Chris Green about how we are only vessels for God’s Spirit to flow through.

Watch the full sermon here: