What My Guardian Angel Did Will Blow You Away…
Hello, I’m Pastor Tim Sheets. For the past 10 years I’ve been studying angels as part of an assignment from the Holy Spirit. Today, I want to take you back to the very first time I became aware of angels – when I was about 10 years old and my dad was pastoring a small church. I got on a friend’s motor scooter and, while riding recklessly, I had a near accident. I slid and skidded dangerously until I saw my dad, who immediately sensed something was wrong and began to pray for me. That moment of divine intervention, where I experienced the protective work of God’s angels, not only saved my life but also set me on the path to a prophetic healing ministry. I share this testimony to encourage you that God is actively working in our lives, protecting us, and commissioning us for His purposes.
Time Chapters
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Tim Sheets shares an amazing supernatural story of when his guardian angel saved his life!
▶▶Your Angels on Assignment by Tim Sheets [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3bMVJvx
▶▶Your Angels on Assignment by Tim Sheets [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3wvoF3j
If angels are ministering to you, don’t you want to know why?
The Bible says all believers have crossed over into a heavenly dimension because of Jesus’ blood. Your born-again birthright doesn’t just save a spot for you—you are already part of Heaven.
Tim Sheets says your identity and your citizenship are for right here, right now, and you live it out alongside “innumerable angels.” You have kingdom purposes like they do.
In Angel Armies on Assignment, Tim teaches everyday believers how to engage God’s angels even if few actually ever see them! And he helps you recognize the roles they play in your life. If you aren’t already doing it, Tim invites you to:
✅ Flow with Holy Spirit as you partner with God’s agenda (whether big or personal)
✅ Recognize angelic activity as God works around you
✅ Identify different orders and ranks of angelic beings and what they do
✅ Live like a citizen of Heaven (you have dual citizenship)
If angels are ministering to you, don’t you want to know why? You can live from headline to headline as you follow daily news. Or refocus, and follow what God is doing! Get the big picture—it’s for you.
For a glimpse of that big picture, Tim’s 3-CD/audio series, Chariots of Fire, describes the greatest decade ever planned by Holy Spirit—now unfolding before us. You are meant to be a part of it!
▶▶Your Angels on Assignment by Tim Sheets [Book & CDs]: https://bit.ly/3bMVJvx
▶▶Your Angels on Assignment by Tim Sheets [Digital Download]: https://bit.ly/3wvoF3j
#ISN #SupernaturalStories #Angels
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