15 Year Old Astral Projected To Hell
I grew up in a Catholic home, never fully knowing Jesus. My father introduced me to opening the ‘third eye,’ which led me at age 15 to astral project and suddenly fall into a terrifying part of Hell. I felt darkness so thick it was suffocating, and hopeless sorrow coursed through me like waves. Demonic beings surrounded me, ready to drag me into the depths. In utter desperation, I cried out to Jesus, and in an instant, His power pulled me from Hell and placed me in a dazzling portion of Heaven. I stood before brilliant golden walls, overwhelmed by love and peace I never thought possible. Jesus gently showed me glimpses of my future life—warning me how I would stray and backslide for years, yet still He would call me home. At first, I didn’t believe it, but sadly I did wander. Seventeen years later, in the darkest time of my life, the Lord appeared to me again as a radiant light from Heaven, restoring my memory of Hell and Heaven. This time, I turned my life completely to Christ, moved to Thailand to share the gospel, and found my real purpose in serving Him. Looking back, I see how powerful Jesus’ mercy is—that no matter how far I drifted, His love kept reaching out and drawing me back into His arms.
Time Chapters
- 01:10 Childhood Catholic Roots
- 05:20 Third Eye & Astral Travel
- 09:50 Hitchhiker & Dad’s Conversion
- 15:30 Hell’s Cavern Encounter
- 20:10 Crying Out to Jesus
- 25:00 Vision of Heaven’s City
- 30:15 Backsliding for 17 Years
- 35:40 Light from Heaven
- 40:30 Calling to Thailand
- 45:20 Teaching at Christian Schools
- 01:00:10 Village Ministry in Thailand
- 01:10:40 Closing Reflections & Prayer
—————– Original Video —————–
15 Year Old Astral Projected To Hell
Anthony Rietberg was 15-years-old when he astral projected to hell after his father taught him how to use his third-eye and astral travel. After being rescued and briefly sent to Heaven thereafter, he was shown the future of his life, and all of which has come true.
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15 Year Old Astral Projected To Hell
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15 Year Old Astral Projected To Hell
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