
I was once trapped in despair and on the verge of suicide, using drugs every day just to cope. Then Jesus broke into my life in a way I couldn’t deny, healing my family and freeing me from addictions and hopelessness. Through what I can only describe as God’s guidance, I moved from barely believing to attending evangelism training and eventually joined Crusade missions in Tanzania and Burundi. There, I witnessed huge crowds miraculously gather and saw thousands of people give their lives to Christ. Today, my wife and I serve as missionaries in Africa, caring for orphaned children, running schools, and watching God transform lives. His power took me—someone once totally lost and unqualified—and led me to share the gospel with tens of thousands. I can’t claim any of this as my own effort; it’s all God’s abundant grace and faithfulness showing up time and time again.

Time Chapters
  • 01:05 Struggling with Addictions
  • 02:40 Grace Over Self-Condemnation
  • 06:15 Lifestyle Christianity Prompting
  • 10:50 Joining Christ for All Nations
  • 16:25 Tanzania Crusade Breakthrough
  • 20:30 Burundi Doors Open
  • 29:10 Leading Thousands to Christ
  • 34:45 Mission Work and Orphan Care

—————– Original Video —————–

Michael Seth’s story is a powerful narrative of transformation, faith, and obedience to God’s calling. Once lost and struggling with despair, drug use, and the brink of suicide, Michael’s life changed dramatically after encountering Jesus Christ. This encounter led him to a path of faith, where he experienced God’s mercy and began a journey of evangelism and missionary work. Michael’s story is marked by his pursuit of God’s guidance, often acting on the Lord’s call without knowing the full plan. His obedience led him to places like Tanzania and Burundi, where he helped organize mass gospel crusades and witnessed thousands of people giving their lives to Christ. Michael’s journey showcases God’s miraculous provision and the transformative power of faith, culminating in his role as a missionary in Africa. There, he and his wife care for orphaned children, manage schools for hundreds of children, and continue to plan gospel crusades, all while witnessing God’s continuous grace and divine intervention in their lives and work.

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