09:05 “I chose Jesus. Because He is the better love.” Woman delivered from Lesbian relationship cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
10:17 Scott Volk’s Testimony – Rediscovering the Jewish identity in Jesus (Free in Messiah) ISRAELMediaMinistrie
28:30 7 Years Divorced but God RESTORED Their Marriage—and Family! | TML Ep 17 Joe & Denise Flynn Witness21 1 view
35:07 I was Consumed by Jealousy and Hatred after a Betrayal, then God did this… Witness Testimonies 1 view
06:21 He Wouldn’t Stop Cheating On His Wife, Here’s Why And Here’s How God Fixed It! | The 700 Club cbn 700 CLUB 1 view
10:25 God Healed Our Marriage After Divorce, Drug Abuse & Atheism | Story of Out of the Dust Witness21 1 view
12:05 Fatherless, Homeless, Redeemed: Shaun’s Testimony (Free in Messiah) ISRAELMediaMinistrie 1 view