13:48 From Addiction to Redemption: My Journey of Faith and Recovery | Mike’s Testimony | Free in Messiah ISRAELMediaMinistrie
08:14 From the Rabbinic religion to faith in the Jewish Messiah, the testimony of our Moti Vaknin! ONE FOR ISRAEL
10:20 Jewish Single Mom Finds Jesus: “I had uncovered a deep truth and couldn’t deny it!” ONE FOR ISRAEL
05:15 Rabbi Jason Sobel Testimony: My Out of Body Encounter with Jesus | Praise on TBN (YouTube Exclusive) Praise on TBN 1 view
06:20 I accepted the Messiah and did not change my religion! | Hylan Slobodkin Chosen People Ministries
04:32 Israeli Dania discovers the wild life was empty, but finds a life worth living in Yeshua! ONE FOR ISRAEL