15:40 I was seen as the “BLACK SHEEP” in my family until I met Jesus! | Busayo’s Healing Testimony🔥 Grace On Record
13:48 Story | Brian & Donna Sergeant | Part 1| UNBREAKABLE FAITH – BRADLEY S5E3 #SIDS Forever Changed
01:03:02 Ex-Pagan Druid and Ex-Astrologer Share Their Testimonies Angelamarie Scafidi | Heaven & Healing Podcast 5 views
27:55 Soheir longed for children and became pregnant with twins after 15y, but miscarried after a few months n GOD Did THIS! Life in Christ الحياة في المسيح
13:15 “That’s all I knew to ask, “God, help me fall in love with You.” And that began the journey.” – Jane The Unseen Story
25:21 I Was a Gangster, Addict, and Criminal | Then Jesus Rescued Me | My True Story ISRAELMediaMinistrie
11:33 Healed of Mysterious Symptoms that Crippled a Girl’s Ability to Walk – Maren Hamm Andrew Wommack