44:36 God Didn’t Bring You This Far to Leave You | Powerful Christian Motivation | Myles Munroe . PEAK MOTIVATION
39:28 Dr Myles Informs : Is God Opening Doors for You in Surprising Ways? #SignsGodIsWithYou PEAK MOTIVATION
57:52 Don’t Wait For Opportunity , Create It . ||” Myles Munroe Motivation #CreateYourPath PEAK MOTIVATION
01:13:29 When God Blocks Your Path, This Is What He Wants You to See. |Dr Myles Munroe Best Motivation Speech PEAK MOTIVATION
11:02 A Divine Calling Helped Me Overcome Divorce: Tommy’s Testimony (Free in Messiah) ISRAELMediaMinistrie
43:44 How God Uses Your Struggles to Reveal Your True Purpose. Myles Munroe Teachings.#PurposeInPain PEAK MOTIVATION