00:58 THIS IS SHOCKING! She Saw Jesus In Israel And Fire Coming Down #God #jesus #jesusiscomingback Cloud 9 Blessings
01:01 Rapture Vision of the bride of Christ! Jesus is coming #heaven #rapture #prophetic #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
09:06 Dream: The Rapture Felt Incredibly Real; Thousands Of People Were Ascending Into The Sky Uplifted
13:46 Visions: Earthquakes, People Transforming into Balls of Light, the Rapture, Demons, and Judgement Uplifted
14:09 A Girl’s Vivid Rapture Dream: The Throne, the Glowing Body, and Few People Were Raptured Uplifted
12:11 Rapture Dream I SAW GODS WRATH COMING TO EARTH! I HAVE MESSAGES! #propheticword Cloud 9 Blessings
14:59 When The VEIL LIFTS On Earth ! The Intense Evil Begins #propheticword #rapturedreams Cloud 9 Blessings
11:13 The Lord Wants Me To WARN Others Of The Darkness That Is Coming! #rapture #jesusiscoming #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
10:16 Rapture Dream I Saw JUDGEMENT Coming Down As Christians Were Raptured! Powerful Experience #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
10:29 RAPTURE Dream That Led Him To Become A Watchman ! You Need To Hear This #rapturedreams #jesuschrist Cloud 9 Blessings
16:03 Rapture Dream: God Showed Him This SIGN And He Was CAUGHT UP ! TIME IS UP #rapture #Jesus #god Cloud 9 Blessings
10:02 Rapture Dreams Jesus is coming sooner then what we think! #rapturedreams #propheticword #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings