15:15 Dream: The Rapture / the Great Shaking is Coming to the Entire World – The Worst Time Is Approaching Uplifted
09:30 Dream: The Tribulation – A Time of Immense Suffering and Unimaginable Terror After The Rapture Uplifted
33:01 Two dreams confirmed: The Rapture and the great shaking! Judgment is coming, be prepared Uplifted
09:59 Warning Rapture Dream: Christians Are Not Truly Walking with God / We Are Living in the End Times Uplifted
05:55 5-Year-Old’s Rapture Dream: Jesus stood in the clouds, ready to take him to Heaven. Jesus is coming! Uplifted
06:52 Prophetic Dream: The Rapture – It Will Be Horrible for Those Left Behind, Beyond a Nightmare Uplifted
19:57 Prophetic Warning: Prepare for 7 Years of Tribulation Before the Sabbath Rest of Christ Uplifted
24:56 Warning Vision: The Rapture – The Church is Not Ready. Wake Up My People; Playtime is Over Uplifted