10:08 Dream: Two Moons, the Rapture, and the Imminent Return of the Lord – Time is Running Out Uplifted
09:09 In my dream the ground was shaking then the chaos began! #rapturedreams #dreamsandvisions Cloud 9 Blessings
21:09 The GREAT Deception Is Coming ! What She Saw Is VERY Shocking and Intense #jesus #god #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
11:49 Dream: READY OR NOT This Is Coming ! It is a Warning #jesuschrist #rapture #christianity Cloud 9 Blessings
13:50 Rapture Dream Warning ! This Happened Right Before, I was PANICKING #rapture #supernatural #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
21:05 God Gave Her A RAPTURE DREAM During Daniel Fast ! She Received Powerful Messages #propheticword Cloud 9 Blessings
11:51 This JUST HAPPENED ! You Won’t Believe What Major Signs I Received #jesus #rapture Cloud 9 Blessings
15:44 The Lord ALERTED Him With These Messages ! The Rapture Is Now Even Closer #rapture #Jesus #god Cloud 9 Blessings
11:17 Rapture Vision Jesus showed me the destruction in my experience! This is a MUST SEE VIDEO! Cloud 9 Blessings
01:00 A SEPTEMBER TO REMEMBER! AN INTENSE RAPTURE DREAM WITH WARNINGS! #rapture #endofdays #propheticword Cloud 9 Blessings