46:40 Exiled Iranian Christian Woman Tells Inspiring Story of Faith, Courage under Persecution Witness21
15:43 “He’s the same God in China or America, in N Korea. And He says ‘He’s with me’.” – The Wars on Faith cbn 700 CLUB
01:01 Asteroids by the hundreds began to fall! It was DEVASTATING! #tribulationdreams #endofdays Cloud 9 Blessings
06:21 He Wouldn’t Stop Cheating On His Wife, Here’s Why And Here’s How God Fixed It! | The 700 Club cbn 700 CLUB 1 view
06:27 “It’s True… God will help Anybody that asks.” Woman Healed through a Word of Knowledge cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
09:29 “You’re going to fight for your life!” – Grandmother with rare, deadly cancer fights with Faith! cbn 700 CLUB