
I struggled with my homosexual identity from a young age, feeling confusion, isolation, and inner turmoil as I navigated relationships and societal judgments. After facing deep questions about my beliefs at a Bible study and confronting the reality of my sinfulness, I experienced a powerful conviction of my need for God’s grace. Through repentance and surrender to Jesus Christ, I transformed my life, embracing a new identity rooted in Him. This change brought healing, renewed purpose, and a commitment to holiness, as I discovered that true freedom and identity are found in Christ alone.

Time Chapters
  • 01:00 Bible study challenges beliefs
  • 02:00 Realization and repentance
  • 03:00 Embracing new life in Christ

—————– Original Video ————————

Powerful Coming Out Story – Love Is Love

Emily spent 7 years living out her same-sex attractions while being outspoken about God’s acceptance of her lifestyle. After her engagement with her female partner ended, she was invited to a Bible study. This weekly examination of the holiness of God challenged her day after day until her life completely changed. It is a powerful testimony that calls the homosexual community not to heterosexuality but to holiness.

Emily’s story lovingly addresses the heart of the matter: that homosexuality is only one sin among many that manifests itself within a sinful heart. Only by the grace and mercy of God can we be transformed.

HOW DO I BREAK FREE FROM THE SIN I LOVE? Sign up to watch this bonus interview here:

Regardless of what you have done in your life, redemption is provided to you through Jesus Christ. Just like Emily, even if you have sinful desires and affections, God died for you. He can make you a new creation and save you from a terrible fate. God is rich in mercy and full of great love, and He provided a way out. The narrow road to salvation requires that you call sin what it is, repent of it, and trust that Christ’s death and resurrection is sufficient to atone for the punishment you deserve.

If any man is in Christ, he is a NEW creation. Unless this happens for you, your sinful desires will always drive your actions and shape your interpretation of Scripture. As culture influences the church, even Christians are deceived on this topic. However, for the person who claims to be gay and a Christian, understand that it is not possible for Christians to remain in willful, unrepentant sin. 1 John 00:3:9 says, “No one who is born of God makes a practice of sin, for God’s seed abides in him; and he cannot keep on sinning, because he has been born of God.” God’s message has always and will always involve crucifying the flesh with its passions and desires and living for Christ.

For more information about receiving Christ’s redemption in your life, visit