
My name is Mary. I was only six years old when I contracted polio, leaving me permanently unable to walk. Life became harder when my husband lost an arm and a leg in a train accident. Feeling like a burden, I reached a point of such hopelessness that I tried taking my own life but couldn’t even succeed at that. Everything changed the day a pastor visited our home. He brought a solar-powered audio Bible and introduced us to Jesus. As devout Hindus, we initially resisted, but we grew curious and began listening to God’s word each evening. Over several weeks, my husband and I were touched by what we heard, and we decided to give our hearts to Christ. Encouraged by the Bible’s message and helped by the pastor, we now share Jesus’ love with our entirely Hindu community and have even formed a small house church. Despite our disabilities, we have discovered God’s purpose for our lives: to reach out to others with hope and truth, showing how He can meet anyone in their brokenness and use them for His glory.

Time Chapters
  • 00:20 Living with Polio and Disability
  • 01:05 Pastor Introduces the Audio Bible
  • 01:33 Accepting Jesus in Our Hearts
  • 01:55 Evangelizing the Hindu Community
  • 02:25 New Purpose Despite Disabilities

—————– Original Video ————————

Original Testimony:

A front line ministry for Jesus named “UNKNOWN NATIONS” is reaching lost souls in third world countries and they can use all the prayer we can give them. (Their website:

In many unreached groups of people around the world, upwards of 60% of those people can’t read. Which means they couldn’t read a Bible if they could get one.

God is using the ministry of UNKNOWN NATIONS to help people who can’t read HEAR the Truth of God’s Word … to learn about Jesus. Though a little, rugged-built pocket audio bible that is solar powered (never needs batteries).

So please: If you have a heart and a passion to be used of the Lord to help reach lost souls — to help see the Great Commission fulfilled — PLEASE consider praying for this blessed UNKNOWN NATIONS ministry. They are taking these audio bibles into areas that HATE Christians … where a person can literally die for following Jesus … or DOING the work of Jesus (By transporting these audio bibles into Christian hating areas).

Thanks SO MUCH for your prayer coverage!

The Message Of The Cross: