
I am Mirjam Slot, sharing the powerful testimony of my husband Lourens who fell 7 meters through a roof while working. He sustained severe injuries including a broken skull, collapsed lungs, and brain damage. In the chaos that followed, through intense prayer and unwavering faith, we witnessed God’s promise fulfilled as his health was miraculously restored. Despite doctors’ grim predictions, he gradually regained movement—even playing the piano—and our journey has become a living testament to God’s faithfulness and the power of prayer.

Time Chapters
  • 02:48 Arriving at Hospital
  • 07:00 Life Threatening Moment
  • 11:24 Eyes Open
  • 13:02 Tube Removal
  • 13:37 Deliverance
  • 15:08 Waking Up
  • 17:23 Going Home
  • 19:45 Recovery
  • 26:52 4 Years Later

—————– Original Video —————–

Shortly after Lourens and Mirjam met each other at a TLR Bible school in Denmark and got married, they heard the voice of God calling them to the Netherlands. They had no idea where in the Netherlands they would live, but they trusted that God would show them the perfect place. God directed them to a special house in the province of Friesland, in the northern part of the Netherlands. It was special because the house was originally built as a care home. This meant that the doors were so wide that a bed or wheelchair could easily fit through, and the bathroom downstairs was very spacious to accommodate people with disabilities. At the time, they didn’t realize how beneficial this would be later on and how God had pointed out the perfect house for them.


Lourens found work at a roof repair company. One day, something terrible happened. While working on a roof, he didn’t realize that some of the roof panels were not walkable. These panels were transparent and were intended to let light into the building. However, because they weren’t clean, it wasn’t visible from above. He stepped onto one of these panels and fell forward through the roof, landing more than 7 meters below on the stone floor. In this accident, he broke his skull and neck. Both of his lungs collapsed, and one lung tore. Additionally many other bones broke and there were many other severe damages.

The ambulance staff saw that Lourens wasn’t breathing, and they couldn’t perform ventilation because his jaws were tightly clenched, and they couldn’t open them. They concluded that the brain was damaged. Only after administering medication they could open his jaws and ventilate him. It took about an hour and a half before he was stable enough to be transported to the hospital.


Mirjam was at home when the police came to visit her. They made it clear that Lourens had had a serious accident and that he probably wouldn’t survive. She had to come to the hospital immediately.

At that moment, Mirjam remembered a vision she had had shortly before. She had seen two police officers at the door telling her that Lourens had had an accident. And this was exactly what was happening now!

She was certain: God had everything under control, and everything would be okay. Because God had spoken earlier about things in their life together that had not yet come to pass. So Lourens’ life could not possibly be over!


00:00 – Introduction
00:02:48 – Arriving at the hospital
00:07:00 – He is going to die
00:11:24 – His eyes open
00:13:02 – Removing breathing tube
00:13:37 – Deliverance
00:15:08 – Waking up
00:17:23 – Going home
00:19:45 – Recovery time
00:26:52 – 4 years later
00:00:00 – Introduction
00:02:48 – Arriving at the hospital
00:07:00 – He is going to die
00:11:24 – His eyes open
00:13:02 – Removing breathing tube
00:13:37 – Deliverance
00:14:57 – Waking up
00:17:12 – Going home
00:19:34 – Recovery time
00:26:59 – 4 years later

*Extra videos related to this testimony:*