
In 1974, evangelist Reinhard Bonnke had a prophetic dream of Africa being washed in the blood of Jesus, with a voice proclaiming, ‘From Cape Town to Cairo, Africa shall be saved!’ Through his ministry, Christ for All Nations (CfaN), Bonnke led millions to Christ, a mission now continued by Daniel Kolenda. The ministry has documented nearly 100 million decisions for Christ, conducting massive crusades and training evangelists worldwide. In the 50th year of CfaN, they embark on an unprecedented journey of 50 crusades from Cape Town to Cairo. Kenneth Copeland Ministries has played a vital role in supporting this mission since 1984. The prophecy has come to pass, and millions continue to be saved through this powerful gospel movement.

Reinhard Bonnke Pages: Website | Wikipedia

—————– Original Video ————————

In 1974, during the early days of evangelist Reinhard Bonnke’s days of ministry, he had a life-altering dream. As he saw the continent of Africa being washed in the blood of Jesus, he heard a voice cry, “From Cape Town to Cairo, Africa shall be saved!” Since then, Christ For All Nations (CfaN), evangelist Bonnke’s ministry has documented over 90,000,000 decisions for Christ during their events. Tune into this video as current president and CEO of CfaN, Daniel Kolenda, discusses the vital role Kenneth Copeland Ministries has played in bringing evangelist Bonnke’s dream into reality!