
I grew up in a conservative Mennonite environment where I knew about God but struggled with religious expectations and personal insecurity. After enduring painful church experiences and battling depression, I encountered Jesus in a life‐changing moment that broke down my walls of doubt. Embracing the free gift of salvation and the gospel of grace, I shifted from performing religion to experiencing a deep, personal relationship with Him. This transformation led me to ministry and missions, where I now serve through 24/7 prayer and worship at David’s Tent in Washington DC – a living testimony to God’s provision and love.

Time Chapters
  • 02:15 Rebelling Against Church Hurt
  • 08:40 Depression & Insecurity
  • 09:37 Giving My Life to Jesus
  • 14:55 Deliverance & Sanctification
  • 17:59 Tragedy Leads to Repentance
  • 20:03 Holy Spirit Encounter
  • 23:47 Burden for Missions
  • 28:17 God’s Provision
  • 32:10 The Van Story
  • 36:24 Why David’s Tent?
  • 45:46 Tourists Encountering Jesus
  • 48:50 Who is Jesus To You?
  • 52:36 Prayer
  • 55:03 Final Words
  • 56:11 Thank You to Donors

—————– Original Video —————–

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Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By David Pauta and Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Production Assistant Genesis Villatoro
Testimony Recorded in Washington D.C.

Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.

00:00:00 Growing Up Mennonite
00:02:15 Rebelling Against God Because of Church Hurt
00:08:40 Being Tormented, Depressed and Insecure
00:09:37 Giving My Life to Jesus
00:14:55 Deliverance and The Sanctification Process
00:17:59 Tragedy Leads to Repentance
00:20:03 Learning About and Experiencing the Holy Spirit
00:23:47 YWAM DTS and Having a Burden for Missions
00:28:17 Experiencing God’s Provision
00:32:10 The Van Story
00:36:24 The How and Why Behind David’s Tent
00:45:46 Testimonies of Tourists Encountering Jesus!
00:48:50 Who is Jesus To You?
00:52:36 Prayer
00:55:03 Final Words
00:56:11 Thank You to Our Donors!

Jason Hershey Testimony