
I had everything I thought I wanted—a stable career, a home, and material success—but deep inside, emptiness and pain haunted me. Growing up in Brooklyn with a troubled family marked by domestic violence, abuse, and loss, I faced harsh realities including a forced abortion and a turbulent relationship. Even though I partied and lived a life of sin, nothing filled the void until the pandemic forced me to reexamine my life. Through therapy, YouTube sermons, and a pivotal conversation with a cousin who pointed me to a Bible-based church, I finally experienced true conviction. I surrendered my life to Jesus during a moving service, was baptized, and later obeyed God’s call to move to Atlanta. Now, as an assistant nurse manager with a renewed identity in Christ, I’m living out His purpose—restoring my relationships and even drawing my family closer to Him.

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Testimony by Vanessa Delorme
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded in Atlanta, Georgia

Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.

00:00:00 A Chaotic Childhood
00:02:11 A Warlock Visits Our Home
00:04:17 Becoming Homeless, Starting to Make Bad Company
00:06:31 Having an Abortion at 17
00:10:49 I Start Seeking God During the Pandemic
00:15:18 God Starts Convicting Me of Sin
00:17:21 Giving My Life to Jesus
00:19:37 God Tells Me to Move to Atlanta
00:21:50 God Starts Working in My Family
00:22:34 Losing Old Friends, Gaining New Ones
00:27:35 What Life with Jesus Has Been Like
00:28:38 Who is Jesus To You?
00:29:26 What I Would Say to My Mom
00:31:07 Prayer
00:33:08 Final Words
00:34:16 Thank You to Our Donors!

I Had Everything I Wanted but Was Still EMPTY, Until JESUS Did This…😳
Vanessa Delorme Testimony