Homeless Gangster finds Jesus 🥹 | Simmo’s Testimony
Simmo had a rough upbringing which lead to him living on the streets. Although Simmo had gone to a Catholic school he had never heard the Gospel. At his lowest point, Simmo found gratitude in the smallest things like the cardboard box he slept on. After several encounters with Godly people Simmo finally heard the true Gospel and after hearing the story of the Prodigal son he was lead to Jesus.
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If you’d like to support ‘Fishers of Men’ which is the Christian ministry that helped Simmo get off the streets and find Jesus, you can reach them here: https://fishersofmen.org.au
Thanks for watching, if you know anyone or any groups that would benefit from watching Simmo’s Testimony please share it on Social Media, Group Chats and Direct Messages.
Get in touch?
Email: deliverancedownunder@gmail.com
Instagram: deliverancedownunder & dansetfree
Bless you in the Mighty name of Jesus! 🙏
*Shout out to Delafe Testimonies for inspiring our video format – go check them out! 🙏
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