Redemption for a Prodigal – Testimony
Anyone calling them Christians who are callous with on-going sin (which INCLUDES coldness of heart and spirit toward the things of God) needs to do a THOROUGH re-reading of 1 Corinthians Chapter 3.
God is addressing essentially two different issues in that portion of His Word that every Christian needs to fully understand.
First off, getting saved “as by fire” is NOT cool! It’s one thing to GET to heaven — it’s ANOTHER thing to rob yourself of ETERNAL REWARDS. Many will suffer a painful loss of the rewards God would have given them if they would have REFUSED to let their heart’s grow callous and worse yet – cold – to what is important to God in accordance with His Word. Allowing on-going sin in your life without it bothering you literally can negate you even GETTING into heaven, brothers and sisters.
Christians are the ONLY people on this planet who have been given the power to put to death sin in their lives once they are Saved – never forget that. “How so,” You might ask? Because God doesn’t give the Holy Spirit to people who are NOT saved. Only Christian believers have access to Him … (though anyone can have access to Him if they accept God’s free gift of Salvation).
Here is something we may not think about much … but we sure WILL in eternity! If Satan can’t convince you to reject the Free gift of Salvation, (and he CAN’T if you truly want it) … then he will spend the rest of your life trying to keep you from laying up for yourself eternal treasures in heaven, as Jesus admonishes us to do in Matthew 6:19-21. Satan will never get forgiveness nor any future eternal rewards, and he doesn’t want YOU getting any EITHER. Don’t let him get away with it! Be WISER than that!
Put to DEATH on-going sin in your life. You will be eternally thankful you DID at the Judgment Seat of Christ when all of us Christians will receive a GAIN of eternal rewards … or a LOSS of eternal rewards.
Yet there is more to this Judgement that all Christians will go through than just the matter of our dealing with sin. There is the matter of GOOD WORKS. GOOD WORKS involves not only how we lived our lives in regards to sin, but also what we did with our TIME, our TALENTS, and TREASURE in this life. Scripture assures us that we will be rewarded for our GOOD works, and lose rewards for our BAD, or WORTHLESS works. Here is an excellent message on this very crucial topic every person needs to get a good understanding of if they are WISE:
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