
I’m Katie. After years of enduring physical and emotional abuse, I tried desperately to leave my husband. In one horrific episode, he set me on fire, leaving scars that went deeper than my skin. I was left isolated, depressed, and burdened with self-hatred, unable to see my worth. In my darkest hour, I turned to God and began to experience His love and forgiveness. Through my journey of recovery, I found the courage to forgive even when it seemed impossible. My identity is now rooted in Christ, and I stand as a testimony that true healing and peace come from Him—transforming pain into a message of hope and forgiveness.

Time Chapters
  • 00:15 Abusive Beginnings & Violence
  • 01:20 Escaping and Injury
  • 03:00 Hospitalization & Trauma
  • 04:30 Turning Point & Forgiveness
  • 04:47 Embracing New Identity in Christ

—————– Source —————–

After years of abuse, Katie tried to leave her husband. In response, he set her on fire. After enduring unbearable pain, Katie found herself in a deep depression. Eventually, she found a relationship with Christ and finds a new identity in Him.