KCM Partner Maureen Brown Shares How God Healed Her of Fibroids
I am Maureen Brown, a vocal coach from New York City and a partner with Kenneth Copeland Ministries. I was first diagnosed with fibroid tumors in 2005 and underwent my first surgery in my mid-30s. Despite enduring intense pain and irregular menstrual cycles, I remained steadfast in praying over my condition and using healing scriptures. In 2013, I had a second surgery, and through continued faith and regular attendance at believers’ conventions, I experienced a miraculous healing at a Southwest believers’ convention. Today, I stand free from fibroids, testifying to God’s powerful intervention and the importance of unwavering faith in His healing word.
Time Chapters
- 01:36 Second Surgery & Faith Journey
- 03:00 Miraculous Healing & Testimony
—————– Original Video —————–
Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ Partner Maureen Brown is not afraid to share how God heals fibroids. How does she know? Because He healed her of fibroid tumors.
Maureen, a vocal coach from New York City, was first diagnosed with fibroid tumors in 2005 and had her first surgery to remove them. In her 30s at the time of her first surgery, she experienced the pain—especially while exercising—and irregular menstrual cycles that are common with fibroid tumors. Every year during her annual OB/GYN exam, her doctors warned her that, since this was a recurring condition, future surgeries were likely. In 2013, she began to experience a lot of pain and had a second surgery.
“With the Copelands, I really began to understand the healing, the words, the faith. I began to be steadfast in healing scriptures,” Maureen says. “But I could feel [the fibroids]. They were there. But I had to be quiet about [standing for my healing]. I just remained steadfast in praying over them, using the Lord’s Word for healing.”
She began attending Kenneth Copeland Ministries’ meetings regularly. In 2017, she felt the Lord leading her to attend the Southwest Believers’ Convention and to sit on the front row during Healing School on Saturday morning. While there, the Lord moved miraculously and healed her. Today, she is free from fibroids and never stops standing in faith for her continued healing.
Watch Maureen’s video and see how God heals fibroids in this powerful testimony. And visit KCM.org to learn how to stand for your healing: http://www.kcm.org/real-help/healing
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