
I’m Bruce Allen, and in this conversation, I share some of the extraordinary encounters I’ve had with the Lord—being caught up in the Spirit, visiting heaven, and even encountering Jesus in physical form. I talk about how each believer can learn to see in the spirit realm by removing distractions and pursuing true intimacy with Jesus. From a life-changing event in Latvia, to the testimony of how the Lord showed up at a church disguised as a stranger, every story points to God’s incredible power and love. I also explain how abiding in His presence and applying scriptural authority over darkness can transform lives. Ultimately, it’s all about honoring Christ alone and helping others realize that these supernatural experiences are available through faith and relationship with Him.

Bruce Allen Pages: Official Website

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During this LIVE, Bruce Allen dives deep into the concept of being in two places at once and sheds light on how we are meant to perceive the supernatural realm according to biblical teachings. Join us as we explore the mysteries and wonders of unlocking the supernatural in our lives.

Don’t miss out on this insightful discussion that will expand your understanding of the spiritual world and empower you to experience the presence of God in a whole new way. Discover the keys to accessing the supernatural and embracing the fullness of your spiritual identity. BRING YOUR QUESTIONS FOR THIS LIVE!

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You Can Be in Two Places At Once!

Stay tuned for more insightful videos on unlocking the supernatural and embracing the fullness of your spiritual identity.