
I was 20 years old, trapped in drug abuse and constant nightmares, hearing tormenting voices. My father suggested I talk with Ravi, and in just one discovery call, everything shifted. I felt healing deep inside, destroyed my drug stash, and cut off toxic relationships. Jesus filled me with genuine joy, replaced confusion with clarity, and set me on a new path as a blacksmith. I never imagined my mind and emotions could be restored this quickly—no more nightmares or demonic voices. Even one of my friends rededicated his life to God after seeing the change in me. I’m living proof that if you surrender fully to Jesus, He breaks every chain of addiction and hopelessness, bringing true freedom in Christ.

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My life changed remarkably after my discovery call with Ravi. Honestly, I only made the appointment because my dad made the suggestion.

On the call, Ravi told me who I am and what I’m made to do. He spoke about my healing. I immediately felt something inside me shift and I connected to what he said. It was like he pulled me up out of a pit. I had been struggling with drug abuse and emotions like consuming sadness and anger.

Ravi made suggestions for immediate action: cut ties to a few unhealthy relationships and destroy my drug stash. I did it and have not returned to my old habits. Honestly, my life is 100% different. I have started pursuing my dream of becoming the best silversmith in the nation. I am experiencing so much freedom in my emotions. It is crazy how 20 minutes changed the entire course of my life for the better.

John Sheldon Business Owner, 20 Years old


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Embracing your calling puts your struggle under your feet.