Melissa Coffey – Lesbianism, Child Sex Abuse
I was once lost in the pain of childhood abuse and the confusion of lesbianism. Through deep repentance and the life-changing power of Jesus Christ, I found healing and a renewed sense of self-worth. God rescued me from self-hatred and darkness, restoring my identity through His grace and ministry support. My journey is a true testimony of how His love transforms lives.
Time Chapters
- 01:13 Melissa’s Testimony Begins
- 02:00 Breaking from Lesbianism
- 09:02 Workshop & Repentance
- 13:00 Deepening Repentance
- 22:00 Healing Confession
—————– Original Video —————–
Melissa Coffey describes her struggle with lesbianism and self-hatred, as well as the healing that God brought into her life and the lives of her clients in ministry.
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