Tricia Barker shares the story of her Near-Death Experience, occurring during the surgery to save her life after a horrific car accident her senior year of college. She recounts her shock at remaining lucid and conscious after leaving her body and is shown many things during her Near-Death Experience. In addition to a life review, she has a reunion with her grandfather and shares the insights she has carried with her since this fateful day that changed her life.

“Anytime you wake up and you’re connected to something greater than yourself… then you’re winning” – Tricia Barker

*Tricia’s links*
YouTube Channel ⇨
Website ⇨
Book ⇨ Angels in the OR: What Dying Taught Me About Healing, Survival, and Transformation

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Where we explore the meaning and purpose of Near-Death Experiences in the modern age. We write about the intersection of spirituality, life-after death, comparative religion, philosophy, depth psychology, modern culture, and most of all how we can stay connected to the truth that Life doesn’t end when we die.

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