An Artist’s Journey: Demonic Darkness to Light-My Testimony
Wendy shares her deeply personal journey from a time of demonic darkness and spiritual oppression—reflected through her early, stark, and disturbing artwork—to a radiant transformation after accepting Jesus Christ. In this extended testimony, she reveals how her art evolved from portraying the chaos and pain of her past to expressing vibrant hope and the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. Her creative work now stands as visual proof of how salvation reshaped her inner life and continues to inspire her every day.
Time Chapters
- 01:00 Testimony Extension
- 02:15 Art as Self-Expression
- 02:50 Darkness to Art
- 05:00 Studio Tour
- 11:00 Early Sketches
- 20:00 Transformation in Color
- 31:00 Kingdom Vision
—————– Source —————–
Hello, thanks for taking the time to watch this video.
I hope you watch it until the end!(You’ll really only get the full impact of the story if you do.)
This is part 2 of my testimony for the power of salvation through Jesus.
Many people say there is no evidence for the Holy Spirit’s power working in the world today.
Here I present you with evidence via my artwork, before and after I was born again.
I hope you enjoy this visual journey of my transformation from spiritual darkness to light by the power of the Holy Spirit through faith in Jesus.
If you are interested in watching my testimony part one, about the day that I was born again, you can watch it here: Demons are Real and Jesus Saves – My Testimony
To follow my art on Facebook go to:< br />
I have another YT channel:
Well Watered Garden
This channel is DIY homesteading tutorials, natural living, and nature videography.
If you are interested in this type of content, you can find more information here:
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