12:31 “I came back to God and just felt the love that He poured out. He never left.” cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
38:45 Why Does God Isolate Us Before Blessing Us? | Myles Munroe #christianmotivation ##GodsPreparation PEAK MOTIVATION
10:34 “We’ve got people who can reach God in prayer.” Banjo star survives Near Death Experience! cbn 700 CLUB 1 view
41:16 Declare This Prayer to Receive God’s Blessing, Strength and Joy Today. ” Myles Munroe ” #christian PEAK MOTIVATION
01:00 Godd Knows You Are Tired. #christianmotivation #love #inspirationalfaith #yourfaith #motivation PEAK MOTIVATION
41:01 Christian Persecution Coming To America | Power of The Persecuted Church | Full Documentary Persecution Worldwide
27:52 Dr Myles Alert : Start Your Morning in God’s Protection , The Power of Psalm 27 | #StartWithPsalm27 PEAK MOTIVATION