08:10 Egyptian Man Finds Messiah and is Sentenced to Death! | Majed El Shafie Chosen People Ministries
08:05 “Though I was in prison, I was free.” Jesus changes heart of raging White Supremacist cbn 700 CLUB
01:01 God Gave Her An Incredible RAPTURE VISION ! She Drew A Picture Of What SHE SAW #jesus #rapture #god Cloud 9 Blessings
51:56 Jackie Hill Perry Testimony: “My Biggest Issue Was My Unbelief, Not My Sexuality” | Praise on TBN Praise on TBN 2 views
09:10 “I thought my intentions were good.” Young Man leaves Drugs & Dark Spirits behind for Christ cbn 700 CLUB 3 views
18:14 From Islam To Christ | Ex-Muslim From Iran Became A Church Leader 🔥 Ex-MuslimTestimonies 1 view
00:43 Abdus Samad From Bangladesh Left Islam For Jesus 🔥 #leavingislam #exmuslim @IsaeChurch Ex-MuslimTestimonies
01:01 Rapture Dream: Many Are Not Prepared For This Big EVENT! It is Coming #rapture #jesuschrist #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
00:59 I Saw Jesus Appear In My Appearance! He Spoke These Words To Me #jesus #rapture #heaven Cloud 9 Blessings