43:03 Brian “Head” Welch Testimony on Finding Jesus and Dying to Himself | Praise on TBN Praise on TBN
01:00 GOD Chose Me…❤️ (John 15:16-17 – My favourite bible verse)… #testimony #bibleverse #shorts #love Grace On Record
10:46 “The God who you are praying to…He heard your prayers” – Miraculous COVID-19 Recovery! cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
44:35 4 people died INSTANTLY after he drove drunk:Nick’s journey from tragedy to Jesus#prisonersforchrist Prisoners For Christ Ministries
10:13 “It felt like someone grabbed me and made me walk” – Police Officer with Paralysis Finally Healed cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
10:22 “It’s like a country song backwards. I started getting everything back in my life.” God redeems Life cbn 700 CLUB