58:08 Gangster to Jesus – I encountered an Angel & what it said changed my life forever… Yeshua Testimonies
10:21 “I wanted him to pull the trigger, take me out of my misery.” Al Capone’s Chauffeur gives Woman Hope cbn 700 CLUB 1 view
44:28 Seek God and All Else Will Be Added, God Will Show You the Way to the End of Your Difficult Phase PEAK MOTIVATION
32:10 7 Signs That God Is Preparing You for a New Season. | Myles Munroe #christianmotivation #motivation PEAK MOTIVATION
11:55 “This big, hard, angry drug-dealing guy who’d become an addict – I was bitter, I was angry” – McCall cbn 700 CLUB 3 views
34:58 God’s Chosen Ones, The Trials Are Over… Now You’re Going to Be a Millionaire! “| Myles Munroe PEAK MOTIVATION
08:32 “And I put it up to my chin and pulled the trigger” – Marine attempts suicide, finds Hope instead. cbn 700 CLUB 21 views
37:22 A Prayer for Renewal: Peace of Mind, Financial Stability, and healthy Relationships.| MYLES MONROE | PEAK MOTIVATION
09:30 “Is this real? I mean, did this just happen to me?” – A man’s rotator cuff is miraculously healed. cbn 700 CLUB 2 views
17:15 Dr Myles Reveals: The One Prayer That Will Unleash God’s Blessings in Your Life- #BlessingsFromGod, PEAK MOTIVATION
40:37 I Turned myself into Police after JESUS did this..😮 | Alistair’s Testimony deliverance downunder 17 views
06:11 Her Daughter Shares Intense Details From Her END TIME EXPERIENCE! This is Shocking #rapture #jesus Cloud 9 Blessings
24:47 Dr Myles Informs : How Can Praying in Jesus’ Name Empower Your Prayers? #christianmotivation PEAK MOTIVATION