24:30 My SUPERNATURAL Experience with the PERFECT Mind of #Jesus Christ (literally) – AWESOME HOPE! XtremeRealityCheck 1 view
02:29 Todd Prays for leg and it supernaturally grows out!! Jesus is ALIVE and HEALING today! Todd White 2 views
16:55 She Was Hit By A Car And Was Sent To The Afterlife; What She Saw Will Shock You (NDE) Beyond the Veil
08:36 Empty wheelchair and Freedom in the fountain 😎 THIS IS ALSO FOR YOU…. The Last Reformation 3 views
18:39 Prophetic dreams: God revealed to her visions of the Antichrist, nuclear wars, and Nephilim Uplifted
56:20 Racing to the End of Time (1997) | Full Documentary Movie | Chuck Lafleur, Paul Lalonde 101 Films
17:36 Powerful Rapture Dream from the Lord: Just Like the Days of Noah – The Coming of the Son of Man Uplifted