Woman Delivered From Legalistic Cult – Virginia Croy – A Grace Encounter
My name is Mohamad Faridi. I was raised in Iran as a devout Muslim, where I was taught that martyrdom was the only noble path to salvation. From a young age, I was forced to learn Arabic to pray to Allah, even though I didn’t understand the words, and I endured relentless self-punishment rituals. I prayed five times a day, believing that constant sacrifice would secure my place in paradise. However, the rigid, legalistic life left me empty and desperate, even pushing me to the brink of suicide when war never came as promised. In a moment of crisis, an old friend revealed his own conversion to Christianity. For the first time, I heard that Jesus had already paid for my sins, freeing me from the endless cycle of guilt and self-condemnation. Embracing the Gospel, I found true rest in Christ, and after facing persecution, I sought refuge in the United States. Here, I married my wife Susan and began ministering to Muslims, sharing the freedom and truth of Jesus with others. My journey from the chains of legalism to a life of grace testifies to the transformative power of Jesus Christ.
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Virginia Croy believed that just about anything would send her to hell: wearing pants, applying makeup, even going to the hospital in an emergency. When a broken tv picked up Andrew Wommack’s Gospel Truth Program, the lies of legalism would come crashing down – bringing Virginia into a freedom unlike anything she had ever known.
Virginia was raised under a strict religion that taught her to always fear damnation. She wasn’t allowed to wear jewelry, makeup, cut her hair, or even talk to people outside of her church, for fear she would be struck with sickness or even killed by God. When she got sick, everyone believed that’s what God wanted for her. Her children were taken away for someone else to care for, which left her entirely alone when her husband would leave for work. With nothing else to do, Virginia began reading her Bible more and started to see things differently. Afraid that she was being deceived by the devil, she put down her Bible and didn’t touch it for days. But God spoke to her, telling her to start reading the Bible again, stating that the devil can only accuse her, not deceive her with the Word.
Soon after, Virginia turned on a tv that had no signal and heard a voice coming through the white noise on the screen. It was Andrew Wommack teaching on his daily television show, Gospel Truth. Taping the lesson to listen back later, she played the recording over and over. It was like nothing she had ever heard! She found herself unable to afford more of Andrew Wommack’s materials, but thanks to the friends and partners of Andrew Wommack Ministries, she was able to obtain more of his teachings for free. After hearing the same truths found in True Nature of God, Grace the Power of the Gospel, and the War is Over, she felt the chains of legalism break off with the renewing of her mind.
Her family was still a part of their strict religion and every week at church, Virginia would speak out during the service, saying that what they’re teaching is wrong. Her husband forbade her from returning to church with them and started to verbally abuse her at home. At a later time, her husband confessed that he would do things against her in hopes of her leaving him, so he could take her to court and win custody of their children. Her family was pulling apart at the seams.
It was at this time that she was pregnant with her fourth child. Something had gone wrong in the pregnancy, but their church believed going to the hospital meant you were going to hell. Her condition worsened and her husband finally gave in and took her to the hospital. Both Virginia and the baby were saved, but because the church felt the couple had defied God’s will by seeking medical attention, her children were no longer allowed to attend school there and her husband was forced to leave the church.
Rejected by the church and having nowhere to go, Virginia’s husband had opportunity to truly seek God and found new revelation. Her whole family turned to the Lord and received freedom from the oppressive and restrictive beliefs they’d carried their whole lives. Thanks to the truths found in Andrew Wommack’s teachings God Wants You Well and The Believer’s Authority, Virginia Croy is living out her freedom and no longer fears being sent to hell. She can cut her hair, wear jewelry, and rest in the love God has for her!
The Grace Encounter of Virginia Croy has inspired countless others to find freedom in Christ. This story has been provided to you for free thanks to the support of the friends and partners of Andrew Wommack Ministries.
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