
Hello, I’m Jeramiah. Growing up with a single mom, I felt constant rejection and yearned for belonging. Music and the streets led me toward gang life, and eventually, I was initiated into the Bloods. I dabbled in witchcraft, flirted with selling my soul, and nearly committed murder over a petty dispute. One day, God intervened, preventing my plan to kill someone, and later sparing me in a horrific car accident. I surrendered my life to Jesus, felt His Holy Spirit transform me, and experienced a joy I’d never known. Today, I’m making music for God and serving in ministry, sharing how Jesus rescued me from violence, spiritual darkness, and a hopeless future.

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Testimony by Jeramiah Bailey
Directed by Eric Villatoro
Interviewed by Eric Villatoro
Edited By Darvin Ramirez and Joshua Gayle
Audio Mixed by Paul Nicholas
Testimony Recorded in Grand Prairie, Texas

Delafé Testimonies is a global evangelistic project with the mission of creating the world’s largest archive of Jesus testimonies until His return. Our vision is to save souls, build community, and set people free through the testimony of Jesus.

00:00:00 Growing Up in Church With a Single Mother
00:02:06 Receiving a Prophetic Word At a Young Age
00:04:09 Getting Baptized at 13
00:04:51 Getting into Trouble At an Early Age
00:05:45 Exposing Myself to Witchcraft For the First Time
00:08:38 Being Tormented in My Dreams
00:10:23 Getting Into Gang Activity
00:13:06 Being Sent to Houston to Live with My Dad
00:15:01 My Introduction to Drugs
00:16:04 Getting Initiated Into The Bloods Gang
00:19:55 Willing to Die For My Gang
00:23:20 God Stops Me From Committing My First Murder
00:25:44 Reflecting On My Life and Pleading With God
00:26:50 Giving My Life to Jesus
00:29:02 Being Sold Out for Jesus After a Near Death Experience
00:31:01 Being Filled With the Holy Spirit
00:35:00 Falling into a Trance and Hearing God’s Voice
00:36:40 Making Christian Rap Music
00:39:01 Who is Jesus To You?
00:40:08 Prayer
00:42:41 Final Words
00:43:59 Thank You to Our Donors!

BLOOD Gang Member Gives His Life to JESUS! 😳 (MUST WATCH)
Jeramiah Bailey Testimony