
Shalom, my name is Barry Siegel. I was born in the suburbs of Detroit into a conservative Jewish home and experienced early challenges such as my parents’ divorce and the struggles of growing up with a strong Jewish heritage. My love for music was ignited at a young age, and I embraced every opportunity—from learning the drums and guitar to performing at my bar mitzvah. As I grew older, I ventured into the rebellious world of rock and roll, even identifying as an atheist and rejecting my spiritual roots. However, one unforgettable summer night in 1971, as I was overwhelmed with sorrow and despair, I fell to my knees and an audible voice spoke to me three distinct times. In that transformative moment, I instantly knew that Yeshua, Jesus, is the Jewish Messiah. That supernatural encounter broke through my hardened heart, and I committed my life to Him. My journey has since led me to leave behind old ways, embrace a life of faith, and ultimately move to Israel—where I now serve others and work to restore both the spiritual and physical welfare of my community. All glory be to Jesus for transforming my life.

Time Chapters
  • 00:08 Childhood & Jewish Roots
  • 03:40 Bar Mitzvah & Music
  • 15:24 Supernatural Voice
  • 16:00 Conversion Commitment
  • 20:27 Move to Israel

—————– Original Video —————–

You must hear these words God spoke to Barry Segal not once, not twice, but THREE times!
For more from Barry Segal, check out his website: