Buried pain — especially layers of it that often goes back to our early childhood like it did Justin’s — can cripple a person emotionally their entire life one way or another … if not resolved. Buried, unresolved pain can trigger physical sicknesses and diseases that can take a person to their grave – early. It can separate us from God because of our anger at Him for allowing it to all happen in the first place, can’t it? UNRESOLVED PAIN IS LETHAL!
When we remain angry at God, it seems one of the most common ways we deal with our unresolved pain is to try to bury it with chemical substances that help us forget about our pain … even if for only a few hours. And in that process of living, we walk closer and closer to ADDICTION HELL. And once we’ve entered that arena, the odds of us entering eternity – probably dying before our allotted time – increases greatly.
Yet no matter where we find ourselves in life … our pain can drive us TO God for help, like it did this brother. But NOT with the “mantra” that says, “I asked God to take away my addiction many different times, but He DIDN’T! I tried God for help — He evidently doesn’t CARE about me!” (Which happens to be the biggest and most lethal lie we can tell ourselves, which thrills Satan like little else can).
God DOES care about our addiction, but there is something else He cares MUCH MORE about. What would that be? Our SPIRITUAL WHOLENESS. We are NOT spiritually whole when we remain angry at the people who have hurt us, and certainty we are not nor ever WILL get spiritually whole by staying angry at GOD.
The ADDICTION OF ANGER is probably the second worst addiction a person can have, bar none, and it’s probably the least recognized by those who are addicted to it. (That makes it even MORE lethal!). [The sin of UNBELIEF regarding what Jesus accomplished at the Cross for us and what we do with that message is the number 1 sin]. Staying angry at those who have hurt us — staying angry at God for whatever reason/s we want to hold onto … is SIN in God’s eyes. And God NEVER blesses sin. NEVER! One’s on-going sin of anger tends to drive a spiritual wedge between us and God like little else can. God doesn’t want it that way, but God gives free-will in the matter to stay angry at Him if we choose to UNWISELY do so.
We ALL can come up with reasons to be angry at God, sooner or later. That’s probably the easiest thing in the world to do. The hungry orphan child scrounging around in a putrefying garbage dump in India looking for his/her next meal can easily be angry at God for being born with that lot in life instead of being born in America where kids turn up their noses at healthy food parents put in front of them. Untimely family deaths, rape victims, childhood abuse victims, sex slavery victims, spousal abuse victims … the list of evil things that happen to people are seemingly endless. Those things will all one day end when Jesus comes back to establish His rule on earth, but until that happens, evil knows no ends to afflict pain on mankind.
Most people who have asked God to take away their addiction/s and still remain in their addiction/s see little use for 2 Corinthians 10:4 and Ephesians 6:10-18. Many aren’t even AWARE of what is written there. Folks – we are in a battle down here. A spiritual battle of EPIC proportions. A battle for our very souls and our quality of life. Satan and the demons who serve him have ONE PRIMARY goal in mind for EVERYONE on this planet. That Goal is to do everything in their power to keep people from getting to heaven when they die. Drug addiction is just one of those ways. He has so many other ways.
It seems there are TWO categories of people on this planet. Those who determine to make Jesus their number 1 priority in their life and fight their spiritual battle with evil by HIS guidance and direction in balanced alignment with His “war manual” (Bible) against it … and those who opt to fight their “demons” any OTHER way than uniting with THE supreme warrior who will one day do away with Satan and his evil demon servants who execute his will.
Be wise, dear one. Hang with THE SUPREME WINNING warrior! His name is JESUS.
Don’t STAY a victim of evil. Purpose to be a VICTOR over evil launched against you and your loved ones. The ONLY way to do that is being IN Christ Jesus.
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