Woman Poisoned by Husband And Meets God; Sent Back With A Message (NDE)
⭐ Check Out More Of Ana’s NDE Near Death Experience
👉 https://www.anachristina.net
📖 – https://a.co/d/05QeE8vi
In this powerful testimony, Ana Christina shares her extraordinary near-death experience (NDE) after surviving a horrifying murder attempt by her ex-husband. Guided by the Holy Spirit and filled with divine love, Ana describes her journey to Heaven, where she encountered Jesus and was reunited with loved ones. Her story is one of faith, forgiveness, and spiritual awakening, revealing profound truths about life, death, and the eternal connection we have with God. This inspiring and deeply moving account will leave you with a renewed sense of hope and understanding of the afterlife.
#NDE #NearDeathExperience #Faith #HolySpirit #SurvivalStory #SpiritualAwakening #JesusEncounter #HeavenlyJourney #DivineLove #TestimonyOfFaith #HealingThroughFaith #LifeAfterDeath #SpiritualTestimony #Forgiveness #OvercomingAbuse
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