
My name is Johan Toet. I once ruled the streets as a major drug dealer in Portugal, driven by a life of addiction and a desperate need to prove my worth. My early years were filled with violence, constant self-destruction, and the lure of easy money. I embraced a criminal lifestyle that led me into deep darkness, until one day, while facing a severe drug bust and a long prison sentence, I experienced a vision of God’s forgiveness and unconditional love in my cell. That night, as I pleaded for mercy, I was overwhelmed by a transformation that left me free from the chains of my past. After serving my sentence, I discovered the teachings of Andrew Wommack and enrolled in Charis Bible College. Through His grace, I found not only personal redemption but also the strength to launch my own ministry—One in Him Foundation—dedicated to sharing the truth of Jesus Christ with others. My journey from a life of crime to a calling in ministry testifies to the power of Jesus, who declares that we are all good enough and loved unconditionally.

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Have you ever felt like you weren’t good enough for God’s love? Johan Toet did when he became one of the largest drug dealers in Portugal.

Johan’s father was a harsh man who told him from a young age that he wasn’t good enough. Wanting to prove himself, Johan pursued a criminal life and at 15 he was introduced to cocaine which began a years-long journey with addiction.

Johan met his wife Brenda, while she was working as a prostitute in Amsterdam. They were like a modern-day Bonnie and Clyde, attempting to find fulfillment in each other. They started a family together around the same time that Johan began manufacturing ecstasy. After some time, his business grew so large that Holland’s law enforcement began to investigate Johan closely.

In an effort to avoid arrest, the family fled Holland and set up business in Portugal where Johan’s operation grew so extensively that he became the countries’ most wanted drug criminal. After one drug bust on his villa, Johan found himself serving a
12 year prison sentence.

While serving time, he had a vision of every person in his life that he had hurt and was overwhelmed with guilt. Begging to be forgiven, Johan experienced God’s love and forgiveness on the floor of his cell. His life was changed forever.

After his release, Johan found himself caught up in another prison, that of legalism and religion. Once again he felt like his righteousness with Christ depended on his performance, that is until he discovered Andrew Wommack on YouTube, and heard the teaching A Better Way to Pray.

For the first time since prison, Johan felt free. The God Andrew taught in, You’ve Already Got It and Spirit, Soul, and Body, was the same God who came to him personally in his prison cell. Excited to know more he enrolled into Charis Bible College in the Netherlands alongside his wife Brenda.

After graduating from Charis Bible College, Johan and Brenda started their own ministry called One in Him Foundation, where they bring the same message of God’s unconditional love and grace to others. When they aren’t teaching on stage or writing books, they bring God’s love to the streets of Holland and Brazil, healing the sick and proclaiming the message of Grace.

Their Grace Encounter Reminds us, that in Christ, we are all good enough.

Check Out their ministry website today:

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