
Growing up as the son of a Holocaust survivor, I developed a deep hatred for Jesus, believing He was the cause of my people’s suffering. My life spiraled into drug addiction, but one night, I had a supernatural encounter with Jesus that changed everything. After reading Scripture and realizing Jesus fulfilled the prophecy of the Messiah, I struggled to give up my addiction. Finally, in desperation, I surrendered my life to Him, and He miraculously took away my desire for drugs. My transformation was so radical that my mother and sister also came to faith. Today, my love for Yeshua is stronger than ever, and I share His message with Jews and Gentiles alike.

Time Chapters
  • 00:31 Hating Jesus as a Child
  • 01:26 A Life of Drug Addiction
  • 03:08 Supernatural Encounter with Jesus
  • 04:42 Miraculous Survival in a Car Crash
  • 05:15 Surrendering to Jesus
  • 06:00 Leading My Family to Faith
  • 06:48 Sharing the Gospel with All

—————– Original Video ————————

In this profound testimony, Dean Stein shares a deeply personal and transformative chapter of his life. Growing up as the child of a Holocaust survivor, Dean’s emotions were complex, and he initially harbored a strong hatred towards Jesus, believing Him to be connected to the tragedy his family endured.
Join us as Dean candidly recounts his journey from nurturing a real hatred for Jesus to experiencing an incredible shift that led him to place his trust in Him.
Discover how he found a way to embrace faith, navigate his painful history, and ultimately forgive. This testimony is an example of the capacity that the human spirit has to transform hate into hope, making it a must-watch for anyone seeking inspiration on their own journey towards faith and healing.
Tune in to Free in Messiah and be touched by Dean’s remarkable story.

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