
My name is Heidi Baker and I want to share how I was radically saved at the age of 16 while serving as a field service student on an Indian Reservation. I experienced a dramatic revival that transformed my life completely. The Holy Spirit fell on me, and I was filled with a power that left me frozen in awe. From that moment, I was called to be a missionary—to preach and serve the poor across nations. Over the years, I have witnessed the undeniable power of God, as lives were transformed through revival, healing, and the multiplication of resources. My testimony is a declaration of God’s unsearchable love and the redemption that comes through Jesus Christ.

Heidi Baker Pages: Website | Wikipedia

Time Chapters

  • 00:14 Experience on Reservation
  • 00:50 Holy Spirit Encounter
  • 01:41 Missionary Call & Transformation

—————– Original Video —————–

Here is part of Heidi Baker’s testimony about how she encountered God and went through a radical transformation here at Catch The Fire Toronto. We hope this can inspire you and fill you with hope and a desire to encounter God for yourself!

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