
My name is Pastor Toye and I want to share how witnessing the healing power of God changed my life forever. I recall my early experiences as a little boy in Lagos, where I first sensed the reality of God. Over the years, I faced many challenges—personal struggles, the temptations of a harsh environment, and even the pain of past mistakes. But through divine intervention and supernatural miracles, including witnessing flesh grow back on a man’s legs and my own transformation during a powerful encounter at church, my life was completely restored. I gave my life to Christ on July 6th, 1997, and since then, God has continuously revealed Himself to me, renewing my confidence and equipping me to preach and share the gospel. I now serve wholeheartedly, encouraging others to seek God for true transformation and restoration.

Pastor Toye Pages: Instagram

Time Chapters
  • 00:21 Witnessing Miraculous Healing
  • 05:01 Conversion to Christ
  • 07:02 Early Ministry Experiences
  • 10:03 Restoration of Confidence
  • 24:00 Scripture Anchor & Prayer
  • 31:00 Encouragement & Final Prayer

—————– Original Video —————–

Pastor Toye reflects on his faith journey and how experiencing supernatural miracles has significantly strengthened his relationship with God.

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Grace On Record is a global evangelical mission dedicated to documenting and sharing inspiring testimonies of Jesus Christ from Christians across Europe and Africa.