I think I need that! I need to know my MESSIAH!
I grew up in New York in a traditional Jewish home where I learned my identity through synagogue teachings and the Torah. While working as a camp counselor at Lake Winnipesaukee in New Hampshire, I experienced a profound shift. Surrounded by the beauty of nature, I opened a friend’s Bible for the first time and began reading the New Testament. The words of Jesus and the prophetic promises in the Hebrew scriptures awakened something deep within me. I realized that my faith was incomplete without knowing the true Messiah. In that transformative moment, I embraced the truth that my spiritual identity is fulfilled only through Him. This journey has reshaped my understanding and has given me the courage to live out my faith boldly.
Time Chapters
- 37:00 Camp Revelation
- 52:00 Bible Encounter
- 05:17:00 Embracing Messiah
—————– Original Video —————–
By: www.oneforisrael.org
Facebook: facebook.com/oneforIsrael
Testimonies with foreign subtitles: ow.ly/10lKPE
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