
I am Howard Pitman, and I experienced a miraculous near-death encounter that changed my life. After a massive heart attack left me clinically dead, I was revived at Southwest Regional Medical Center in Macomb, Mississippi. In that moment of utter darkness, I crossed the veil into a spiritual realm where I received a powerful, divine warning about the end times and the need to align my will with God’s. Through prayer and God’s supernatural intervention, my life was restored. I share this testimony to urge every believer to heed God’s warning, stand firm in faith, and prepare for His imminent return.

Time Chapters
  • 01:00 Remake Introduction
  • 03:00 Introducing Howard Pitman
  • 04:50 Near Death Event Begins
  • 06:00 Arrival at Emergency Room
  • 09:00 Medical Intervention Starts
  • 15:00 Life Restoration Moment
  • 25:00 Crossing the Veil of Death
  • 35:00 Vision of Scripture Unfolds
  • 45:00 Prophetic End Time Warning
  • 55:00 Supernatural Encounter Revealed
  • 01:05:00 Insights on Spiritual Warfare
  • 01:10:00 Receiving Prophetic Commission
  • 01:12:00 Final Plea for Redemption
  • 01:13:00 Closing Prayer and Reflection
  • 01:14:00 Final Benediction & Farewell

—————– Original Video —————–

“When this Good News (WHAT Jesus accomplished for humanity by His painful death on the cross) has been preached all over the world and told to all nations, the end will come.” (Matthew 24:14). Please SUBSCRIBE to this channel to expand awareness of it and pass these testimonies along to OTHERS to hasten the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you!

WHAT GOOD NEWS EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW: JESUS DID IT! Jesus destroyed the barrier of sin between God and mankind at the cross!

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